Showing posts with label Automated Sales Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automated Sales Management. Show all posts

Saturday 24 June 2023

Momentum Ai tool | Automated Sales Management | Automate Your Sales Using AI


Automate Your Sales Using AI 
Momentum helps teams improve pipeline management and close rates with automated MEDDIC, notifications, call summaries, and deal rooms that connect Slack, Salesforce, and the rest of your revenue stack.

    How It Works
    Improve your data hygiene in minutes 
    Turn on dozens of prebuilt recipes so reps can follow the right next steps to keep Salesforce updated and stakeholders informed on deal progress.

    Turn your calls into CRM data instantly 
    Momentum captures AI-powered notes and tasks after calls and automatically syncs it to Salesforce and Slack.

    Stay in the know without asking 
    Get unparalleled visibility into the deal process with Deal Rooms, Notifications, and Approval motions that keep critical fields updated without any heavy lifting from your team.

    Make your sales motions repeatable 
    Empower your reps to work better across teams and departments by streamlining how to request an engineer, ask for approvals, redline MSAs, and more.

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